Comment calmer l'urticaire naturellement ?

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Bio Miel & Co

Sirop de thym : recette et bienfaits

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Bio Miel & Co

What does euphorbia honey taste like?

When we buy honey, we like to know in advance what it's going to taste like, so we don't get any nasty surprises. Sometimes, it's simply out of curiosity, and surprise can sometimes be good, as with rose honey. And for Euphorbia honey, you'll be totally surprised by its unique organoleptic properties.

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Miel & Bienfaits

Is black cumin seed dangerous?

Nigella seed, raw or in powder form, presents no health hazard. The only difficulty you may encounter is in the event that you consume large quantities over the course of a single day. People undergoing hormonal or anticoagulant treatment should consult before taking, as a precautionary measure.

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Les bienfaits de la Nigelle

Can white honey from Kyrgyzstan be used on the skin?

Like all honeys, white honey from Kyrgyzstan has skin-healing and antibacterial benefits. However, it is not commonly used in this sense, and there are no studies extolling the specific merits of this hive product in cosmetic use on body and facial skin. For a healing or cosmetic use of honey, we prefer varieties such as thyme or manuka.

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Miel & Bienfaits

How do I use black cumin seed?

Nigella seed is mainly used for its health benefits, although it can be used to give a special flavor to your dishes. You can use it in several ways: raw by eating it, grinding it, incorporating it into a dish, or adding it to another natural product and merging their benefits.

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Les bienfaits de la Nigelle

How to store zamzam water?

Zamzam water can be stored like any other conventional water. Being in plastic packaging, avoid exposing it to sunlight. After each use, reseal your bottle to prevent the intrusion of third-party substances. After each use, reseal your bottle to prevent the intrusion of third-party substances.

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Bio Miel & Co

Is talbina dangerous for pregnant women?

Talbina (barley flour) is not dangerous for pregnant women. You can eat it safely. The only danger would lie in adding an extra ingredient to your recipe to make your talbina, which would be inadvisable for pregnant women.

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Bio Miel & Co

Which honey to mix with black cumin oil?

Mixing your nigella oil with honey will both sweeten its taste and merge its health benefits. The various virtues of black cumin on the immune system and various pathologies have been demonstrated by hundreds of studies. Those of honey vary depending on the variety, and scientific research is just as numerous on the subject.

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Les bienfaits de la Nigelle

Is talbina useful for the intestines?

Do you have digestion problems? Is it too fluid or do you have trouble evacuating? There can be many causes, and natural remedies exist. The talbina is one of them according to research but also for Muslims in accordance with a hadith reported by Imam Ahmad.

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Bio Miel & Co

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