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The water of "Zamzam" is at the top of the waters, for it is the noblest, the most glorious, the most esteemed, the most expensive and the most precious, for it was dug by the Angel Djibrîl ('alayhi as-salam) and quenched Ismâ-îl ('alayhi as-salam).
A miracle of science
The level of the water of Zam Zam is about 10.6 meters below the surface. When Zam Zam water was pumped continuously for over 24 hours at a pumping rate of 8,000 liters per second, the water level dropped nearly 44 meters below the surface.
But when pumping was stopped and after 11 minutes, the level reached 13 meters. Millions of liters of Zam Zam are supplied daily.
Zam Zam has no color or odor, but it does have a unique taste.a Japanese researcher experimented under a microscope with drops of Zam-Zam,under the effect of reciting the Koran the molecules shone, took on extraordinary shapes and incredible colors.
According to Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them), the Prophet (may the prayers of Allah and His salvation be upon him) said: "The best water on earth is zamzam water, it satiates and heals. And the worst water on earth is that of the valley of Barhout near Hadramawt, it is like the leg of the locust it flows in the morning and is dry in the evening."
Some miracles of this water:
- This well has never dried up. On the contrary, it has always met the demand for water.
- The basin has always remained as it was before. the water is always drinkable.
- Its quality has always been universally recognized by pilgrims from all over the world when they visit the Ka'aba every year for Hajj and Umrah. And they've never complained or made a complaint. On the contrary, they've always loved this refreshing water.
- Water tastes different from one place on earth to another. The taste of Zam-Zam has always kept the same universal (taste).
- This water has never been chemically treated or chlorinated as is the case with water from different cities around the world.
- Biological growth of vegetation usually takes place in almost all wells; This makes the water unsatisfactory to taste.The proliferation of algae leads not only to an unpalatable taste, but also to unpleasant odors. But in the case of Zam-Zam, there's no biological growth whatsoever!!!
Some sayings and hadiths around Zamzam water
In both Sahîh [al-Bukhârî and Muslim] it is reported that the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said to Abî Dhar when he stayed for forty days and forty nights between the Ka'bah and its limits, having no food other than Zamzam water:
"It is a whole food."
And Muslim added: "It is a food of diseases."
The Prophet (blessings and salutations be upon him) used to say, "Zam Zam water is useful for everything for which it is drunk". (Reported by Ibn Madja, 3062).
In Ibn Mâdja's "Sunans" are mentioned these words of Djâbir Ibn 'Abdullâh (radhiallâhu 'anhu), reporting from the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that he said:
"Zamzam water is suitable for everything."
It has been reliably reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) drank some, performed his ablutions and poured some over his head. He used to take some with him in wineskins and tubs, watering the sick and sprinkling it on them (As-Silsila as-sahiha, 883);
The authenticity of this hadîth has been weakened by a group [of scholars] due to its reporter 'Abdullâh Ibn al-Mouamal.
According to the experience of some, I have tried to cure myself with the water of "Zamzam" and the experience was convincing for many diseases from which I was cured miraculously by the grace of Allâh.
I have also seen people feeding on water of "Zamzam", throughout half a month or an entire month without experiencing the slightest hunger, participating in Tawaf [around the Ka'bah] on an equal footing with the rest of the people, and [these people] told me that they could have remained like this for forty days while preserving the strength to have sex with their wives, fast and perform Tawaf [around the Ka'bah] repeatedly.
Zâd ul-Mi'âd fî hadî kheyr al-'Ibâd by Ibn al-Qayyîm, 4/392-393
Imam Muhammad Ibn Abî Bakr Ibn Qayyîm al-jawziya
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