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The ginger shot, also known as ginger shot, is a very refreshing natural alcohol-free drink, but not just that! If you're looking after your health and fitness, you should give this healthy juice a try. As you know, ginger is a powerful natural remedy for many ailments. In fact, it's what has made this incredible vegan beverage so famous. But do you know exactly what ginger does for your body? Find out in this article about ginger's many uses, as well as recipes and cocktails.
Why drink a shot of ginger?
In fact, do you even know what a ginger shot is yet? A ginger shot is simply a drink made with ginger and lemon. Although the recipe is very simple, this healthy juice combines the spiciness of ginger with the tartness of lemon. It's quite simply an explosion of flavors in your mouth! Also, this very refreshing combination will give you a real boost to get back in shape.
Ginger shots are a great way to increase your metabolism and lose weight. They're also a great way to get rid of joint pain. Also, they help you sleep better.
Here's why you should drink a shot of ginger:
- Ginger shot boosts your metabolism and burns calories. But it's also known to give you more energy. Perfect for slumps or even before a sports session.
- This beverage is very useful for people with joint pain or arthritis. In fact, this drink improves your mobility and reduces joint pain.
- Ginger Shot is a genuine natural remedy for digestive problems, as well as bloating and constipation. More than a juice, it's an interesting alternative to medication in many illnesses and conditions.
- If there's one thing you should note, it's that this is a natural product. So there's no danger in drinking it. But as with everything, moderation is the order of the day!
By the way, what are the benefits of ginger?
You now know what this extraordinary drink can do for you. But do you really know the benefits of ginger? First of all, let's introduce it!
Ginger is one of the most versatile spices you can find. It's not just used as a condiment in food. It's also a natural medicine and dietary supplement. In addition to enjoying its flavor in cooking, it has also been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis and coughs.
Take advantage of this root to treat gas, indigestion, menstrual cramps and back pain. Ginger also helps relieve cold and flu symptoms. Think about it if you have a stuffy or runny nose!
Let's see what else it can do for you! It's an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. No wonder ginger is often called "nature's aspirin". Indeed, it contains a compound called shogaol that acts just like aspirin, but without any side effects!
One of the known effects of this incredible root is to reduce nausea and ease heartburn. That's why it's often recommended for pregnant women.
Ginger has also been proven to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Perfect if you suffer from pain caused by arthritis! It's also an excellent anti-aging agent. In fact, it protects DNA from oxidative damage and therefore slows down the effects of time.
Its benefits are so numerous that it's consumed in tea, mate, capsules, sweets and, of course, juice. All in all, you've got an easy way to boost your immune defenses. Let's take a look at when you should be enjoying a good ginger shot.
When is the best time to drink a ginger shot?
You're probably wondering when is the best time to drink a ginger shot? The answer is quite simple: drink it when you're feeling under the weather, or if you just want something refreshing and spicy.
If you're suffering from a cold, sore throat or cough, think again. You can also add ginger shots to your morning smoothie or afternoon tea. That way, you'll benefit from maximum vitamins in your diet!
Also, drinking a lemon-ginger shot after a stressful day will help you regain your strength and relax.
Lemon has a refreshing effect on your body and helps you relax after a long day. Ginger, meanwhile, has a warming effect on your body. It helps keep you energized throughout the day.
Drinking ginger before bed can help you sleep better. The warmth of the ginger will relax your muscles, allowing you to get a good night's sleep.
Drinking ginger before bed can help you sleep better.
Ginger also contains enzymes that help break down your food faster. This can give you a boost of energy in the morning, when you need it most.
The ginger shot in a few recipes
Ready to start a ginger shot detox? Great! However, you need to know that there are different recipes for ginger shots. Let's start with the classic lemon and ginger ginger shot. This is one of the best combinations, because the two flavors work so well together. At the same time, you get to enjoy their incredible benefits.
To make a well-concentrated shot, you'll need:
- One ginger root
- A lime or lemon
Recipe with a juice extractor
- Wash, peel and cut the lemon into quarters.
- Wash the ginger too, but don't peel it to preserve all its virtues.
- Place the ginger and lemon wedges in your juice extractor.
Catch the resulting juice and enjoy!
Recipe using a blender
Don't have a juice extractor? No problem! Here's another easy way to make your shot.
- Take your blender or mixer.
- Cut the ginger root into small pieces without peeling. Don't worry! Since you're going to filter the juice you won't get any pieces.
- Place the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.
- Then filter through a fine-mesh sieve and enjoy the delicious taste of this concentrated shot right away.
Recipe without extractor, blender or extractor
If you don't have any of these appliances, don't panic! Here's an express recipe for ginger shot without a blender or juice extractor.
- 2 limes or lemons
- 1 teaspoon ginger powder
Squeeze the lemons and pour in the ginger. Stir, strain and serve!
Of course, if you want to make more, you can increase the quantities of the ingredients. Of course, it's best to choose organic products to get the most out of their benefits.
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