Which honeys should I choose to treat a cough?

An ancient natural product, honey possesses a multitude of beneficial virtues for human health. Antiseptic, antioxidant, antibacterial; there's no doubt that the many.

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Little-known benefits: talbina or organic barley flour

Sourced from Prophetic medicine, Talbina or ORGANIC hulled barley flour is all the rage these days within the Muslim community. But, what does this succulent drink consist of.

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What is so special about Ethiopian black cumin oil (Habachia)?

Known to almost everyone, Nigella oil is one of the best prophetic remedies there is on the globe. For thousands of years, this plant, found in ...

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The organic solution for snow-white teeth

We often tend to believe that our teeth will never regain the intense whiteness of their early days, except by spending a fortune at the dentist. For financial reasons.

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Which honeys can be used to heal wounds?

Lime, acacia, lavender, thyme, from the forest or flowers... it's a known fact that all honeys accelerate healing. In fact, the bee creates a natural product ...

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Discover the benefits of anti-hair loss serum

Actually, your skull is becoming deplumed at a not-so-trivial frequency. Worried, you look for the reason(s) for this phenomenon in order to find a quick and effective solution ...

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Which honeys should I use for a sore throat?

When winter arrives, the cold takes the opportunity to creep in with its team of viruses and ENT infections that tend to give us a hard time. Whatever the season, when sore throats...

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The little-known benefits of Indian costus

Widespread throughout the Arab world and the rest of the planet, prophetic medicine is proving to be an ancient natural remedy that has been tried and tested for many centuries now...

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The benefits of thyme honey

Recommended by healthcare professionals, sold in the form of sterilized compresses that act as dressings, and sometimes used by surgeons in certain hospitals, thyme honey ...

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Honey mixed with water, an incredible sunna!

Honey is one of the foods that have been used for centuries. It is an excellent source of health-promoting nutrients. However, many people are unaware of its properties.

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