- Bio Miel & Co
An ancient natural product, honey possesses a multitude of beneficial virtues for human health. Antiseptic, antioxidant, antibacterial... there's no doubt that the many properties of this prophetic remedy are excellent for treating a panoply of ailments and diseases. Among its special features, honey has the ability to fight coughs.
In fact, in prophetic medicine, honey is reputed to be one of the best remedies. Moreover, very serious scientific studies have also shown its effectiveness. That said, is there a particular type or types of honey for treating a cough. In the following lines, BioMiel And Co tells you a little more.
How does honey combat coughs?
Yes, honey has a very interesting antiseptic action for the human organism. It's thanks to this property in particular, that it's able to fight respiratory infections.
Moreover, its viscous, syrupy texture contributes favorably to soothing coughs. Likewise, its sweet taste stimulates salvation to lubricate the throat and make mucus more fluid.
The Most Effective Types of Honey for Coughs
Among the wonders of honey is the fact that it comes in a wide range of varieties, each possessing specific benefits for one or more ailments.
So, to treat a cough optimally, it's highly advisable to choose eucalyptus, thyme, fir or lavender honeys. High in aromatic antiseptic molecules, these honeys are able to fight respiratory tract disorders naturally and effectively.
If you need to treat a cough and have decided to abandon your standard syrups sold in pharmacies, click here for more information on these different honeys and place your order as soon as possible.