- Bio Miel & Co

The nigella oil can be used for breastfeeding women. No studies show specific risks for this type of population, with the exception of people allergic to these foods:
- Fennel,
- Celery
- Cumin,
- All seeds or plants of the Ranunculaceae family
However, the absence of studies showing adverse effects on the health of nursing mothers and babies does not dispense with medical advice and does not render black cumin oil harmless.
Always consult a health professional before use.
Benefits of black cumin oil for breastfeeding women
Nigella oil is traditionally recognized for its galactogenic properties, promoting milk production.
This is the main reason why it is consumed as an ingestion during this period, in addition to the fact that it helps strengthen the immune system and enables mom to continue breastfeeding.
Infused black cumin seed has also been scientifically proven to increase the volume of breast milk.
You can therefore infuse your own black cumin seeds or enjoy tea with a high seed concentration level such as black cumin tea.
Scientific study on black cumin oil for breastfeeding women
A recent study (2022) confirmed the effectiveness of black cumin infusions in increasing milk production in breastfeeding women.
The study involved a clinical trial with 60 breastfeeding mothers, divided into intervention (black cumin infusion) and control (honey infusion) groups, showing a significant increase in milk production in the black cumin group.
In addition to the traditional use of black cumin oil with breastfeeding women, it is now scientifically known to be effective in this sense.
How to consume black cumin oil for breastfeeding women
If you decide to use black cumin seed as an infusion, take 15 grams of seeds in 2 L of boiling water, to be drunk several times a day.
If you can't stand the rather strong taste of the seeds, mix them with raw honey in lukewarm water. Consume this on an empty stomach to make it easier for your body to assimilate its nutrients.
You could, for example, combine it with Moroccan jujube honey or Yemen honey.
Accompany increased milk intake with other foods
In addition to black cumin oil, you can use other foods to improve your chances of it working like:
- fennel seeds,
- almonds,
- fenugreek,
- cumin.
On the contrary, watch out for foods that reduce lactation such as:
- sage,
- parsley,
- mint.
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