Start a magnesium cure and get back in shape!

Do you feel tired, stressed or depressed? Having trouble concentrating or sleeping? Do you suffer from cramps, headaches or digestive problems? You may be lacking in magnesium, a mineral that is essential for the body to function properly. In fact, a magnesium deficiency can have negative consequences for your physical and mental health.

It can lead to fatigue, muscular and nervous problems, and many other problems. So it's a great ally for your health and well-being. Find out quickly how a course of magnesium can help you get back into shape and what the recommendations are for getting the most out of it.

Why follow a magnésium cure?

It's a fact: many of us lack magnesium. According to some studies, almost 75% of French people do not meet the recommended intake of magnesium. This is 360 mg a day for a woman and 420 mg a day for a man. There are many causes of this deficiency: a diet low in magnesium, chronic stress, taking certain medicines, pollution, etc. The consequences are quickly felt: fatigue, irritability, cramps, insomnia, anxiety...

Thankfully, there is a simple and effective solution to remedy this problem: take a magnesium cure! This involves increasing your magnesium intake through dietary supplements, magnesium-rich waters or specific foods (seaweed, complementary cereals, olives, etc.) over a set period of time.

How much magnesium does it take?

The dose to take also depends on each person and their deficiency status. In general, we recommend taking between 300 and 600 mg of magnesium a day, divided into two or three doses with meals. You should avoid taking magnacute;sium in the evening as it can have a stimulating effect in some people. You should also avoid taking magnesium at the same time as calcium or iron, as they can interfere with its absorption.

Duration of a magnésium cure

The duration of a magnesium cure depends on each individual and their needs. In general, it is recommended to follow a magnesium cure for 2 to 3 months. This allows the body's magnesium reserves to be re-established and the benefits of the treatment to be observed.

It is advisable to take magnesium in the morning or at midday, as it has a stimulating effect and can disturb sleep if taken in the evening. It is also advisable to split the dose into several intakes during the day, to improve absorption.

How long does it take to feel the effects?

The effects of a magnésium cure can vary depending on the individual and the situation. Some people may experience a dramatic improvement in the first few days, while others may have to wait several weeks to see the results.

But generally, you can feel them after a few weeks. It's important to note that every individual is different and results may vary depending on the person and the severity of the magnesium deficiency.

The benefits of magnesium deficiency can be seen in a number of ways.

The benefits of a magnésium cure

Among the many benefits of a magnésium cure are:

  • Reducing fatigue and increasing energy
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  • Improved muscle and nerve function
  • Prevention of cramps and spasms
  • Maintenance of a good electrolyte balance
  • Strengthening the immune system

How many times a year?

There is no universal rule regarding the frequency of magnesium cures. It all depends on your needs, lifestyle and diet.

In fact, magnesium is a mineral that is not stored by the body, so it must be taken in daily through the diet or supplements. However, it is often difficult to cover your magnesium needs through diet alone, as foods rich in magnesium are rarely consumed or depleted by the way they are grown, processed or cooked.

However, we recommend that you take a magnésium cure once or twice a year, depending on your needs and state of health. If you are prone to magnesium deficiencies or have increased needs due to a stressful lifestyle, intense sporting activity or pregnancy, it may be necessary to take magnesium cures more frequently.

How to start a course of magnesium therapy

Before starting a course of magnesium, it is important to consult a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dose and duration of the course. You can also find out about the different forms of magnesium available (tablets, capsules, powder, etc.) and choose the one that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

How to reap the benefits of a magnesium cure

To get the most out of the benefits of magnesium, it's advisable to combine it with other nutrients that promote its assimilation or action. For example, vitamin B6, which increases the bioavailability of magnesium, taurine, which facilitates its transport into the cells, and vitamin C, which boosts its antioxidant effect. The supplement we offer on our website contains just these ingredients! <Don't wait any longer to start a magnesium cure and get back in shape! Find out more about our magnesium capsules in our shop:

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