- Les bienfaits de la Nigelle
Nigella seed, raw or in powder form, presents no health hazard.
The only difficulty you may encounter is in the event that you consume large quantities over the course of a single day.
People undergoing hormonal or anticoagulant treatment should consult before taking, as a precautionary measure.
What are the contraindications?
Advances in current studies show no contraindications to consuming black cumin seeds.
Beware, this differs from its ingestion in the form of oil, which is no longer the same product, although it does have an enormous number of benefits.
If you consume your seeds mixed with honey, consult the contraindications linked to the honey in question and to hive products.
Are you allergic to black cumin seed?
There are no known allergies to black cumin seed. No studies have brought any to light. It is therefore safe to consume them.
Existing allergies to black cumin concern only the oil and its capsules.
Nigella seed drug interactions
No researcher's formulation, no advice is known concerning the interaction of black cumin seed with any medication.
However, it is known to act on blood circulation. If you're on anticoagulant therapy, you should consult a doctor before using it.
Nigella seed is not known to interact with any medication.
As should people on hormone therapy, as a precautionary measure and because they themselves contain hormones.
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