Organic Eucalyptus honey
Organic Eucalyptus honey

Organic Eucalyptus honey

Organic eucalyptus honey produced and harvested in Brazil. A honey with character, with woody, caramelized and vanilla notes, indicated for soothing respiratory tract ailments and winter ailments.

  • 100% natural eucalyptus honey
  • Organic AB certification
  • Pure and unblended
  • Glass jar
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Prepared by our bees in organic apiaries, our Organic Eucalyptus Honey has a fairly light reddish color, an intense aroma with woody and vanilla notes, and a mild flavor with a slight salty touch. Collection takes place in June and July.

  • Visual appearance (Color): Fairly light, reddish.
  • Aroma: Intense with woody and vanilla notes.
  • Flavor (mouthfeel): Smooth flavor, with a slight salty note.
  • Texture (Crystallization): Very rapid crystallization into fine crystals.

Our eucalyptus honey is a honey with character.

Eucalyptus honey is considered the winter honey par excellence. Its composition contains eucalyptol, most of whose therapeutic properties concern cold aches and respiratory ailments such as colds, sinusitis, flu, coughs and bronchitis.

Eucalyptus honey is said to have a protective effect against winter bacteria and viruses, and to strengthen the immune system.

Inhabitants of the countries where it is produced (Brazil, Morocco, Algeria, Spain, Portugal...) are accustomed to consuming it to support their natural defenses and protect themselves from winter illnesses.

It is said to be useful for clearing bronchial tubes clogged with secretions, enabling better breathing. It would help get rid of the mucus typical of wet coughs, but also soften and soothe throats irritated by dry coughs, while also having an anti-cough action.

Eucalyptus is a natural remedy for coughs.

Eucalyptus, the medicinal plant from which it is derived, has properties:

  • Expectorant and fluidifying: it facilitates the evacuation of bronchial secretions.
  • Antiseptic: it helps fight fever and infections of the respiratory and digestive tracts.

Astringent and antispasmodic: soothes sore throats and acts on inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and intestine.

  • Pure with a spoon: to soothe the throat or to take in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Diluted: to sweeten herbal teas, infusions, fruit-based drinks, hot milk.
  • In cooking: for spreading, topping foods or naturally sweetening pastries, sauces and savory preparations.
  • On the skin: apply pure or incorporate into homemade masks.

Our eucalyptus honey is produced by Brazilian bees in certified organic apiaries.

Our eucalyptus honey is produced by Brazilian bees in certified organic apiaries.Our eucalyptus honey is produced by Brazilian bees in certified organic apiaries.

It is harvested in June and July in the great eucalyptus forests of Brazil.

Our organic eucalyptus honey is distinguished by a production method and beekeeping conditions that comply with organic farming specifications. Among its main characteristics:

  • Foraging bees are born and raised on organic farms.
  • Our apiaries are not located near sources that could present risks to bee health and honey.
  • Our hives are built with natural materials that cannot harm honey or the environment.
  • The bees gather pollen and nectar within a 3 km radius of the apiary, and these sources of nourishment are mainly from crops produced according to organic farming rules. They are far from high-risk industrial activities and freeways.

Thus, we guarantee you a delicious eucalyptus honey that is also respectful of living beings, health and the environment.

This honey is not suitable for children under one year of age.

It is contraindicated for people with allergies to hive products and eucalyptus.

Its consumption should be supervised and limited for people with type 2 diabetes, due to its high carbohydrate content.

Honey can be stored at room temperature, between 9 and 25°C.

It's important to keep it away from direct sunlight (cupboard or dark room), heat and humidity, in an airtight, tightly sealed container.

It's best to avoid placing it in the refrigerator, at the risk of it crystallizing and, above all, fermenting due to the ambient humidity.

Crystallized honey is not outdated or dangerous to health; the phenomenon of crystallization is natural and occurs when it's cold. You can return it to its original texture by heating it very gently in a double boiler.

It is deconcentrated.

It's not advisable to heat honey above 40°C, at the risk of denaturing its active ingredients and causing it to lose its properties. If you wish to sweeten a hot drink with honey, do not put it in boiling water; instead, wait until it has warmed up.

Honey is not a natural sweetener.

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  • Reviews can not be modified: If a customer wishes to modify their review then they can do so by contacting Verified Reviews directly to remove the existing review and publish an amended one
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4.6 /5

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Oualid K. published the 10/01/2025 following an order made on 19/12/2024


Magnifique, mon préféré chez vous depuis longtemps

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Rachid G. published the 05/11/2024 following an order made on 18/10/2024


Goût prononcé

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Anonymous customer published the 09/09/2024 following an order made on 24/08/2024


Pot de miel renversé dans le carton

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Julien G. published the 07/08/2024 following an order made on 23/07/2024


excellent mais le pot était mal fermé et s'est vidé dans le paquet

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Anonymous customer published the 02/05/2024 following an order made on 18/04/2024


Très bon miel

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Anonymous customer published the 13/11/2023 following an order made on 28/10/2023


Pot mal fermer lors de la réception de la commande donc une partie du miel versé ds le carton

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Sahara A. published the 04/10/2023 following an order made on 24/09/2023


Très bon produit fait le taff

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Brigitte C. published the 21/09/2023 following an order made on 04/09/2023


Très bon en sent bien l’eucalyptus

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Anonymous customer published the 26/05/2023 following an order made on 07/05/2023


Goût délicieux.

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Anonymous customer published the 21/03/2023 following an order made on 01/03/2023



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Anonymous customer published the 01/02/2023 following an order made on 05/01/2023


Très bon,et de qualité

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Anonymous customer published the 15/12/2022 following an order made on 29/11/2022


Très bon miel avc un gout que j’apprécie

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Anonymous customer published the 18/01/2022 following an order made on 28/12/2021


Bon miel dommage qu’il soit cristallisé, impossible de le faire avaler aux enfants ni aux adultes d’ailleurs (sensation de manger du sucre)

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Anonymous customer published the 18/01/2022 following an order made on 07/01/2022


Bonne qualité.

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Anonymous customer published the 04/01/2022 following an order made on 21/12/2021


Excellent surtout en cette période de Covid et Grippe.

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Anonymous customer published the 26/10/2021 following an order made on 12/10/2021


Super oncteux et bon Rapport qualité prix inbattable

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Anonymous customer published the 27/04/2021 following an order made on 20/04/2021


Très bon

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Anonymous customer published the 24/02/2021 following an order made on 13/02/2021



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Anonymous customer published the 04/01/2021 following an order made on 22/12/2020


Très bon produit

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Anonymous customer published the 20/10/2020 following an order made on 09/10/2020


Très bon

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Rappel consommateur relatif aux produits contenant l’Artémisia Annua

Notre société Biomielandco a été notifiée d’une interdiction de commercialiser en Europe de denrées et d’ingrédients alimentaires contenant la plante artémisia annua (nouvel aliment non autorisé par le Règlement (UE) n°2015/2283).

En effet, l'Académie Nationale de Médecine met en garde sur "la consommation à grande échelle de tisanes d'Artemisia annua, qui serait susceptible d'entraîner l'apparition de résistances aux antipaludiques à base d'artémisinine, essentiels pour le traitement des paludismes à Plasmodium falciparum non compliqués.

Cette information a conduit notre société à retirer de notre site internet de la vente plusieurs prpduits, qui ne doivent plus être consommés :

- Gélules d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 60 gellules
- Poudre d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 100 gramme
- Tisane d’Artémisa Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachet de 100 grammes

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