Khudri PREMIUM dates from Medina

Khudri PREMIUM dates from Medina

Premium quality Khudri dates, grown in Saudi Arabia. High nutritional value, energizing and gourmet, with caramel and coffee flavors.

  • 100% natural
  • Free of additives
  • Sorted
  • Large-caliber
  • Firm flesh
  • Mellow texture
  • Consistent
  • Scented
  • Coffee and caramel aromas
  • Harvested in Medina
  • 450gr
  • 750gr
Last items in stock


The Khudri date variety is very well known, due to its excellent taste, large size, pleasant dry yet soft texture and nutritional qualities. Its characteristic taste of coffee, caramel with a hint of spice leaves no one indifferent.

Highly energizing, these dates are rich in carbohydrates and particularly appreciated by athletes for post-exertion recovery. Concentrated in sugars, they are considered to be an energy recharge.

Although caloric, these dates are rich in carbohydrates and particularly appreciated by athletes for post-exercise recovery.

Although caloric, Khudri dates are made up of full calories, meaning they provide plenty of nutrients essential to the body's proper functioning, namely:

  • fiber;
  • minerals (zinc, iron, calcium and especially potassium);
  • vitamins (A,C,B,K);
  • antioxidants and anti-inflammatories;
  • carbohydrates (a natural source of energy)

Among their many benefits, they notably help to:

  • Preserve cardiovascular health (particularly thanks to potassium)
  • Protect the body from free radicals
  • Ease digestion
  • Improve intestinal transit
  • Fight anemia
  • Provide energy
  • Reduce fatigue
  • Lower blood pressure and stroke risk
  • Protect the digestive system, kidneys and liver
  • Participate in reducing the risk of developing cancer
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Make childbirth easier

Khudri dates are best enjoyed on their own, and especially when cold. They can be used as a healthy snack, replacing unhealthy industrial sweet products.

This variety is highly prized in confectionery, and lends itself well to coating. Its coffee and caramel aromas blend wonderfully with all types of chocolate.

It's easy to cook, with a very high yield.

It's easy to cook and can be incorporated into a variety of pastry preparations and dishes. It can be used to make homemade spreads, smoothies, fillings, toppings for muesli, porridge, granola or even talbina.

It's easy to use and can be incorporated into a wide range of baked goods and dishes.

The Khudri variety is mainly grown in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Our dates originate from the city of Medina.

This variety is fairly common and widespread, as its taste qualities and reasonable price make it easy to export. It is appreciated all over the world for its flavor and benefits.

This variety is quite common and widespread, as its taste qualities and reasonable price make it easy to export.

Hard, soft and fragrant, the Khudri date is a real delight. Its flesh is quite firm and leaves a caramel aftertaste, sublimated by a touch of spice and coffee. Large in size, its skin is often crumpled but does not peel off.

Dates are rich in carbohydrates, so eat them in moderation. The recommended daily amount is about 45 g, or a handful.

Please remember to pit your dates well, and keep them out of the reach of small children. Be sure to cut them up well if you want to give them to young children, as there's a risk of them choking.

Eat with a glass of water.

Consumed in excess, dates can lead to gastrointestinal disorders as well as cavities, if not accompanied by good oral hygiene habits.

People with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels before eating dates, as their glycemic index is high.

Khudri dates can be enjoyed fresh or dried. Although they have a good tolerance to desiccation, we recommend placing them in a cool, dry place, ideally in the refrigerator between 4 and 5°C, whatever their stage of ripening.

We recommend enjoying this variety of dates cold, fresh from the fridge. To avoid giving them a thermal shock, it's best to take out just the amount of dates you need, rather than the whole box.

If you're planning to eat these dates in the fridge, it's a good idea to take them out with you.

If you plan to consume your Khudri dates at a later date, you should know that it is possible to freeze them in order to keep them for longer. Simply remove them from the freezer a few hours before use, or place them in a bowl of water to speed up the process. Be careful, however, never to refreeze a thawed product.

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4.7 /5

Based on 23 customer reviews

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Benoit C. published the 17/03/2024 following an order made on 25/02/2024



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Elodie P. published the 04/10/2023 following an order made on 17/09/2023


Les plus gourmandes

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Mériam C. published the 07/09/2023 following an order made on 17/08/2023


Excellentes dattes.

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Younes C. published the 06/09/2023 following an order made on 14/08/2023


Les dattes très délicieuse sont goût le différencie des autres dattes classique

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Anonymous customer published the 09/04/2023 following an order made on 19/03/2023


Très bon

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Anonymous customer published the 23/03/2023 following an order made on 08/03/2023


Qualité top

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Anonymous customer published the 17/02/2022 following an order made on 06/02/2022


Pas le même emballage mais c’est pas important

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Anonymous customer published the 07/05/2021 following an order made on 28/04/2021


excellentes, je recommande.

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Anonymous customer published the 28/01/2021 following an order made on 14/01/2021


j ai été surprise par ces dattes croquantes et parfumés.

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Anonymous customer published the 20/05/2020 following an order made on 28/04/2020


Très bonne qualité

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Anonymous customer published the 17/05/2020 following an order made on 30/04/2020



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Anonymous customer published the 06/05/2020 following an order made on 22/04/2020


C'est un produit que je recommande, ce sont des dattes qui ont une texture apprécié, un goût exquis, dans la boîte vous ne trouverez aucune datte moisie et cela fait plaisir

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Anonymous customer published the 03/02/2020 following an order made on 24/01/2020


C'est top

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Anonymous customer published the 19/01/2020 following an order made on 14/01/2020



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Anonymous customer published the 10/01/2020 following an order made on 05/01/2020


rien a dire sont super bonne

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Anonymous customer published the 02/01/2020 following an order made on 24/12/2019


Excellent ! Je recommande

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Anonymous customer published the 16/12/2019 following an order made on 08/12/2019


La texture et très bien je conseillerais à tous le monde

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Anonymous customer published the 03/11/2019 following an order made on 29/10/2019


Particulières mais bonnes

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Anonymous customer published the 23/08/2019 following an order made on 12/08/2019


très bonnes

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Anonymous customer published the 18/07/2019 following an order made on 06/05/2019


Très bonne

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Rappel consommateur relatif aux produits contenant l’Artémisia Annua

Notre société Biomielandco a été notifiée d’une interdiction de commercialiser en Europe de denrées et d’ingrédients alimentaires contenant la plante artémisia annua (nouvel aliment non autorisé par le Règlement (UE) n°2015/2283).

En effet, l'Académie Nationale de Médecine met en garde sur "la consommation à grande échelle de tisanes d'Artemisia annua, qui serait susceptible d'entraîner l'apparition de résistances aux antipaludiques à base d'artémisinine, essentiels pour le traitement des paludismes à Plasmodium falciparum non compliqués.

Cette information a conduit notre société à retirer de notre site internet de la vente plusieurs prpduits, qui ne doivent plus être consommés :

- Gélules d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 60 gellules
- Poudre d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 100 gramme
- Tisane d’Artémisa Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachet de 100 grammes

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