- Miel & Bienfaits
We haven't found any words from scholars regarding the specific beneficial side of jujube honey (from Yemen, Morocco or others) on witchcraft unlike other honeys.
This is not to say that it is not effective against witchcraft, but rather that it would be beneficial to ask the question directly to a scholar.
Whatever the case, we already know that honey and jujube can be used to combat witchcraft.
Use honey to make yourself rouqya?
The question was put to a scholar in Algeria:
Is it permissible to use water, oil, honey or other similar products in legal rouqya?
Praise be to Allâh, Master of the Worlds; and peace and salvation be upon him whom Allâh عزّ وجلّ has sent as a mercy for the whole world, and upon his Family, Companions and Brothers until the Day of Resurrection. That said:
If rouqya in which authentic Qur'anic suras, invocations and formulas of remembrance are recited is permissible when it is free from polytheism (chirk), it is not forbidden to be healed by it using water, honey or oil over which the Qur'an will have been recited. It is also permissible to be healed by other products of the same nature among the lawful medicines and lawful medicinal plants prescribed by one who possesses certain knowledge in the field of medicine, more particularly with regard to the use of these products. For Allâh عزّ وجلّ has arranged a benefit in them so that they are, individually or by mixing them with other medicines and formulas of rouqya, as a remedy for various diseases of the body. [...]
Sheikh Ferkous, Algiers, 5th of Djoumâdâ Al-Oûlâ 1418 H, corresponding to September 7, 1997 G.
Among one of the proofs brought by the noble sheikh: Meaning of the verse:
﴾From their bellies comes a drink, of varied colors, in which there is healing for people﴿ [s. An-Nahl (The Bees): v. 69]
Use jujube against witchcraft?
Al-Lalkaii said that Muhammad Ibn Othman related that Said ibn Mohammad Al-Hanat said that "Ishaq ibn Abi Israel said, "I heard Sufyan say that Sulayman Ibn Omaya (chief of the Thaqif tribe) ibn Massoud heard Aisha (may Allah have mercy on her) advise a woman to use jujube "Sidr" leaves and water to wash away traces of magic." (Sharh Usul I'tiqaf Ahl al Sunnah jamaa-7/1288)
Reason for which the jujube tree is also used today. Be that as it may, we have seen the previous saying of Sheikh Ferkous who explains that:
"It is also permissible to be treated with other products of the same nature from among the lawful medicines and lawful medicinal plants prescribed by one who possesses certain knowledge in the field of medicine"
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