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Cold process soap bar with camel milk

Cold process soap bar with camel milk

Our cold saponified solid soap with camel milk is designed to take care of your skin while respecting the environment. Indeed, it combines the benefits of cold saponification and quality natural ingredients. Thus, your skin is offered softness, hydration and protection on a daily basis.

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Our cold process camel milk soap is a real natural treatment. It is the ideal cleanser if you want a gentle product that respects your skin and the environment.

This artisanal soap, made with natural and quality ingredients, provides the skin with essential nutrients to keep it hydrated, nourished and protected throughout the day. Its richness in vitamins A, C and E, its moisturizing and softening properties, as well as its creamy foam, make it a must-have for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Choosing this soap means adopting a natural skincare routine that respects your skin and the planet. Enjoy a moment of well-being with this gentle soap, ideal for daily use on the face and body.

What is cold process soap making?

Cold process soap making is an artisanal soap making process that preserves the beneficial properties of oils and other ingredients. Unlike hot process soap making, this method does not heat the oils beyond a certain point, which allows their nourishing and moisturizing qualities to remain intact. This all-natural soap is carefully made to respect the balance of your skin.

Our cold saponified camel milk soap is made with carefully selected 100% natural ingredients. Here is the composition that makes this soap a real wonder for the skin:

  • Olive oil: Very soft and moisturizing, it deeply nourishes the skin and is ideal for sensitive skin.
  • Coconut oil: Provides a generous and creamy foam and purifies the skin.
  • Castor oil: An excellent softener that helps protect and regenerate the epidermis.
  • Camel milk: Rich in vitamins A, C and E, camel milk provides intense hydration while leaving the skin supple and soft.

The benefits of camel milk for the skin

Camel milk, the key ingredient in our natural soap, is known for its incredible virtues. Used for centuries in skin care, this milk is exceptionally nourishing and moisturizing. It is rich in vitamins A, C and E, essential nutrients to regenerate the skin and fight against skin aging.

These vitamins work in synergy to moisturize and soften the skin, and protect against external aggressions. Camel milk is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This is what makes it an excellent ally for sensitive skin or skin prone to irritation.

A gentle and versatile soap

This gentle soap is perfect for daily use on the face and body. Thanks to its natural ingredients and its cold manufacturing method, it respects the most sensitive skin, even that of children. Its creamy and light foam gently cleanses and envelops the skin in a protective and moisturizing veil.

It is particularly recommended for dry, sensitive skin, or skin prone to redness. The nourishing and moisturizing benefits of this soap allow the skin to remain supple, soft and luminous throughout the day.

Long-lasting hydration and protection

One of the great assets of this solid soap lies in its ability to moisturize and protect the skin for a long time. The vegetable oils used, such as olive oil and castor oil, are rich in essential fatty acids that help maintain the skin's natural moisture. Camel milk, thanks to its softening and nourishing properties, helps strengthen the skin barrier and prevent dehydration. In addition to being a real moisturizer, this artisanal soap is also softening. It leaves your skin incredibly soft and velvety after each use.

Using this natural soap is very simple. Moisten the soap and lather it between your hands before applying it directly to the skin. Its creamy and generous foam cleanses deeply and gently. You can use it for the face, body, or even as a shaving soap.

To maximize its moisturizing and nourishing effects, let the foam act for a few moments before rinsing thoroughly with clean water. This action allows the active ingredients in the soap to penetrate deeper into the epidermis. Thus, your skin is hydrated and protected.

Olea Europaea Fruit Oil, Cocos Nucifera Oil Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Aqua, Sodium Hydroxide, Camel Milk

100 grams / 3.5 oz

  • cold process

  • 100% natural ingredients

  • Rich in vitamins A, C and E

  • intense hydration

  • fights against skin aging

  • respects the most sensitive skin

  • eco-responsible

Cold saponified camel milk soap is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. However, as with any cosmetic product, certain precautions must be taken to avoid possible reactions. Here are some contraindications or recommendations to follow:

1. Allergies to ingredients

If you have a known allergy to one of the ingredients, it is advisable to avoid this product. An allergic reaction could result in redness, itching or skin irritation

Allergy test: Before full use, perform a skin test on a small area of ​​your skin (such as the inside of the wrist) and wait 24 hours to check for no reaction.

2. Very reactive skin

If you have very reactive skin or skin prone to dermatological conditions (severe eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis in the acute phase), consult a dermatologist before using this soap, even if it is natural.

3. Avoid contact with eyes

As with all soaps, it is important to avoid contact with the eyes, as this could cause irritation. If the soap comes into contact with your eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

4. Use on open wounds

Although the soap is mild, it is recommended not to use it directly on open wounds or very irritated areas. Wait until the skin is less damaged before using this type of product to avoid aggravating irritation.

To prolong the life of your soap, we recommend storing it away from moisture, ideally on a soap dish that allows water to drain. This ensures that your solid soap remains dry between uses and does not deteriorate prematurely. It is important that the soap is allowed to dry between uses to prevent it from softening. With daily use, this artisanal soap will last you several weeks or even months, depending on how often you use it.

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Bio Miel and Co mûrit de jour en jour dans une optique de qualité et de satisfaction de la clientèle. L’entreprise repose sur des valeurs inspirantes, qui se manifestent par un engagement éthique et une passion pour l’excellence. Soucieux de répondre à tous vos besoins, nous sommes exigeants sur les produits que nous vous soumettons. Des produits naturels et bio venant des quatre coins du monde.

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Rappel consommateur relatif aux produits contenant l’Artémisia Annua

Notre société Biomielandco a été notifiée d’une interdiction de commercialiser en Europe de denrées et d’ingrédients alimentaires contenant la plante artémisia annua (nouvel aliment non autorisé par le Règlement (UE) n°2015/2283).

En effet, l'Académie Nationale de Médecine met en garde sur "la consommation à grande échelle de tisanes d'Artemisia annua, qui serait susceptible d'entraîner l'apparition de résistances aux antipaludiques à base d'artémisinine, essentiels pour le traitement des paludismes à Plasmodium falciparum non compliqués.

Cette information a conduit notre société à retirer de notre site internet de la vente plusieurs prpduits, qui ne doivent plus être consommés :

- Gélules d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 60 gellules
- Poudre d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 100 gramme
- Tisane d’Artémisa Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachet de 100 grammes

Si vous avez acheté les produits ci-dessus, nous vous invitons à nous les retourner en contactant notre société par courrier électronique à l’adresse contact@biomielandco.com ou par téléphone au 06 52 86 68 44. Les produits concernés devront nous être retournés. Il vous seront intégralement remboursés avec prise en charge intégrale des frais de retour.

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