zineb Fatima Y. published the 23/01/2024 following an order made on 08/01/2024
Anonymous customer published the 07/09/2023 following an order made on 17/08/2023
Très satisfaite. Cela m aide pour mon anemie et j ai vu les résultats au bout de 3 jours
Anonymous customer published the 23/08/2023 following an order made on 04/08/2023
J'ai pas encore utilisé donc je ne sais pas encore les effets..mais le site a des excellents produits 👍
Anonymous customer published the 27/04/2023 following an order made on 11/04/2023
Je viens de commencer la cure, mais pour l'instant satisfait du produit.
Anonymous customer published the 01/12/2022 following an order made on 16/11/2022
Pas encore essayer mais le produits a été emballé et livré très proprement
Anonymous customer published the 09/10/2022 following an order made on 16/09/2022
Super je recommande à 100%
Anonymous customer published the 16/06/2020 following an order made on 05/06/2020
top : efficace dès les 3 premiers jours
Anonymous customer published the 28/05/2020 following an order made on 19/03/2020
Cure de 2 mois en plus des gélules a la graine de nigelle. Parfait combo!
Anonymous customer published the 21/05/2020 following an order made on 07/05/2020
Je ne peux pas encore me prononcer car je n ai pas encore commencé ma cure mais l emballage est top
Anonymous customer published the 21/05/2020 following an order made on 03/05/2020
Parfait comme convenu !
Anonymous customer published the 23/04/2020 following an order made on 11/04/2020
C'est un bon produit
Anonymous customer published the 14/04/2020 following an order made on 04/04/2020
Anonymous customer published the 15/01/2020 following an order made on 04/01/2020
Hâte d’essayer ! Et super bien emballé
Anonymous customer published the 15/01/2020 following an order made on 07/01/2020
Produit reçu reste à tester
Anonymous customer published the 29/12/2019 following an order made on 20/12/2019
Commande reçu aujourd'hui donc je ne peux encore me prononcer mais connaissant le site je vous fait entièrement confiance et surtout je place ma confiance en Allah
Anonymous customer published the 09/07/2019 following an order made on 30/06/2019
ce n'est pas ma 1ere commande. satisfaite de ce site
Anonymous customer published the 23/03/2019 following an order made on 18/03/2019
Produit conforme.
Anonymous customer published the 14/12/2018 following an order made on 23/11/2018
Ras. Reçues dans les temps
Anonymous customer published the 12/11/2018 following an order made on 01/11/2018
Bon produit!