Manuka honey IAA18 +
Manuka honey IAA18 +

Manuka honey IAA20 + (new)

250gr jar

Last items in stock



Highest level of activity in Europe. This is one of the most effective honeys that exists. It can be consumed as a cure or for a more targeted use especially for problems of skin, burns, psoriasis etc ...

This honey has a minimum methylglyoxal level of 829 mg / kg.

Used in traditional Maori medicine for centuries, manuka now offers its properties in a honey unique in the world. More than twenty years of research and numerous scientific publications in world-renowned titles demonstrate that manuka honeys with an IAA index are effective in many areas, ingested or applied to the skin.

The honey comes from the manuka tree, which grows only in parts of New Zealand and Australia.

What makes him so special is the UMF, or Unique Manuka Factor, says Carole Minker, a doctor of pharmacy and pharmacognosy. This number, indicated on the label, represents its antibacterial power. The higher it is, the more honey is deemed active. New Zealand researcher Peter Molan has highlighted the presence of this novel substance, but it was not until 2008 that the molecule behind the UMF was methylglyoxal. "All honeys contain this antibacterial substance," says Dr. Becker, president of the French Association of Apitherapy. The particularity of manuka honey is to contain much more thanks to its botanical origin. "

This honey is effective against all common bacteria involved in sinusitis, tonsillitis or bronchitis. Some scientific works show that it acts globally faster and at a lower dose than other honeys. Scientists at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, have also found that it is able to prevent the development of antibiotic-resistant golden staphylococci.

Use of different manuka honeys:

Between 5+ and 9+: Reserved for general nutrition and well-being
Between 10+ and 16+: Honey can also be used for its action on the digestive tract
17+ and more: Honey can be used for all the above reasons and for its external applications.
The "10+" simply means that the index is at least 10. It could be 12 or 13 for example. In general, keep in mind that honey needs a minimum grade of 10 to be active:

So, simply, below 10, we buy this honey for its taste and some benefits.
Above 10, I buy this honey for its powerful properties. And there, by cons, it's worth it!

According to the producers, no comparison is possible: the manuka honey is far superior to the others. According to them, it fights bacterial infections, including resistant, and heals wounds, even ulcerated.

Very effective in many areas, ingested or applied on the skin:

To clean the ENT sphere: throat, mouth, gums, sinuses ...
anti-oxidant, anti bacterial
Effective and fight against Helicobacter pillory
To cleanse and soothe the stomach and the digestive system.
To help repair skin lesions, burns ...
For a repairing effect on very dry and damaged skin
On insect bites, mild burns
Other encouraging results followed with different bacteria, including one responsible for nosocomial infections, as well as streptococci and enterococci against which current antibiotics are ineffective. -

"There is also work on the benefits of manuka honey against the bacteria Helicobacter pylori causing gastric ulcers," says Carole Minker.

"There are few clinical studies, but regular use, at 1 to 2 c. coffee a day, during the winter would be preventive, "advises Carole Minker. Recent studies indicate that manuka honey improves the healing of diabetic leg and foot ulcers.

to ingest: 2 to 3 teaspoon daily.

in prevention: 1 to 2 c. coffee a day, during the winter would be preventative.

to apply: Clean the wound and apply a layer of half a centimeter thick before applying a dressing. To be changed every 24 to 48 hours until improvement; Protect with a compress.

100% pure IAA 20+ manuka honey (Leptospermum scoparium).

** Our Manuka honeys, produced exclusively on the North Island, are guaranteed free of pesticides and wild manuka.



Exclusive, the highest index sold in Europe
Maximum efficiency
A harvest product of extremely rare quality
Harvested in the most remote areas of the north of the island
An exceptional product sought by connoisseurs

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4.9 /5

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Renaud Y. published the 19/12/2024 following an order made on 04/12/2024


Très bon

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Samir B. published the 26/11/2024 following an order made on 11/11/2024


Très bon , en attente de voir les résultats des vertus médicinales

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Fabienne H. published the 07/01/2024 following an order made on 24/12/2023


Fabuleux produit cher mais à utiliser en petite quantité

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Anonymous customer published the 20/03/2023 following an order made on 05/03/2023


Produit merveilleux

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Anonymous customer published the 06/03/2023 following an order made on 03/02/2023


On ressent vraiment un très bon goût du vrais miel, pour cela c'est top. Par contre pour le prix de €99,99, je m'attendais peut-être à de meilleures résultats (pour m'a santé). Autant prendre les autres miels qui coûte dans les trentaine d'euros et qu'ils sont vraiment efficaces.

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Anonymous customer published the 09/06/2022 following an order made on 24/05/2022


Excellent produit qui doit se prendre régulièrement.

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Anonymous customer published the 31/03/2022 following an order made on 10/03/2022


Très bon

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Anonymous customer published the 21/02/2022 following an order made on 12/02/2022


Pas encore testé , a recommandé bien protégé dans son emballage.

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Anonymous customer published the 04/02/2022 following an order made on 21/01/2022


Trop bon

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Anonymous customer published the 18/01/2022 following an order made on 09/01/2022


Super produit

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Anonymous customer published the 18/01/2022 following an order made on 28/12/2021


Miel exceptionnel acheter pour cicatrisation brûlure. Début de la cure

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Anonymous customer published the 06/11/2021 following an order made on 30/09/2021



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Anonymous customer published the 06/10/2021 following an order made on 23/09/2021


Excellent au delà des attentes espères Juste wawww.

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Anonymous customer published the 29/06/2021 following an order made on 17/06/2021


je commence seulement la cure ...mais très bon

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Anonymous customer published the 20/10/2020 following an order made on 13/10/2020



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Anonymous customer published the 20/10/2020 following an order made on 13/10/2020


je recommande le miel de ManukaIAA20+, c'est un très bon produit

Did you find this helpful? Yes 2 No 1

Anonymous customer published the 30/06/2020 following an order made on 21/06/2020


Confiante dans le produit depuis logtemps je maintiens mes choix

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Anonymous customer published the 23/04/2020 following an order made on 09/04/2020


Miel de très bonne qualite

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Anonymous customer published the 23/04/2020 following an order made on 09/04/2020


A Agit dès la première utilisation sur molluscum

Did you find this helpful? Yes 4 No 1

Anonymous customer published the 23/04/2020 following an order made on 09/04/2020



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Rappel consommateur relatif aux produits contenant l’Artémisia Annua

Notre société Biomielandco a été notifiée d’une interdiction de commercialiser en Europe de denrées et d’ingrédients alimentaires contenant la plante artémisia annua (nouvel aliment non autorisé par le Règlement (UE) n°2015/2283).

En effet, l'Académie Nationale de Médecine met en garde sur "la consommation à grande échelle de tisanes d'Artemisia annua, qui serait susceptible d'entraîner l'apparition de résistances aux antipaludiques à base d'artémisinine, essentiels pour le traitement des paludismes à Plasmodium falciparum non compliqués.

Cette information a conduit notre société à retirer de notre site internet de la vente plusieurs prpduits, qui ne doivent plus être consommés :

- Gélules d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 60 gellules
- Poudre d’Artémisia Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachets de 100 gramme
- Tisane d’Artémisa Annua (armoise naturelle) : sachet de 100 grammes

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